Have I Been Penalised By Google?

My search rankings dropped significantly last year and seem to have fallen off a cliff. How can I find out if I’ve been penalised by Google?

Deeho Replies:

Google penalties fall into two categories: There are many areas of your website that are filtered by google algorithms automatically without any human intervention…. and there are manually applied penalties that are applied by Google employees according to strict criteria.

Many people feel like they have been hit by a penalty when in the majority of cases that isn’t the case. In most cases, your website will be tripping one of Googles algorithm filters for content quality or backlink quality.

How To Check For Manual Google Penalties

In your Google Webmaster Tools (Renamed Google Search Console), in the ‘Search Traffic’ tab on the left is a ‘Manual Actions’ tab which will show you any manual penalties that have been applied to your URL.

If nothing is listed here then you can give yourself a quick WooHoo and turn your attention to addressing your on page and off page SEO to uncover what is causing your ranking issues.

We provide a free website audit service which will show you everything that’s good and bad about your current SEO. You can book your SEO Website Audit Here.

Additional Reading:

What is SEO?