Tools You Need For SEO

If you want to attempt to do your own search engine optimization (SEO) then you are going to need to use some tools.

Before you begin making any changes, you need to have a thorough understanding of what the highest ranking sites are doing to rank so well.

By comparing your site with the leading competitors sites for the keywords you want to rank for, you will be able to see the differences…. and it’s those differences that are allowing those sites to rank so well.

1. Choose your keywords for your page

Use Google Keyword Tool for this

2. Use SEO Quake a Firefox and Google Chrome Plugin to compare your page metrics and on-page keyword density with the top competitor sites.

3. Use Majestic SEO or to analyse the backlink profiles of your site and your chosen competitors.

This will highlight the differences not only in the volume of backlinks, but also the backlink anchor text, the trust and authority scores for your competitors links….. giving you a complete overview of what needs to be done to bring your site up to the standard required by Google so they reward you with bountiful free traffic!